.. _introduction: ************ Introduction ************ Fabric Roles ============ In standard Fabric roles_ provide a many-to-many mapping between tasks and hosts. Once roles are decided, roledefs_ map hosts to roles. For example, in the case of a "dev" web server, all roles might collapse onto a single server. Install and deploy tasks are nicely related to hosts via roledefs. For a production cluster, a role is often applied to more than one host. For example, a pool of webapp or memcache servers. In the first use-case, where roles are collapsed onto a single server, Fabric comes up a little short because roles are only used to construct host lists for tasks. A role has no "configuration state"; once hosts are assigned to tasks, what role instigated that task is out of the picture. More importantly, a single task will only be invoked once per host, even if that host matches more than one role. An example: the following fabfile runs ``install`` on each server: .. code-block:: python from fabric.api import * env.roledefs.update({ 'webserver': ['www1', 'www2'], 'dbserver': ['db1'] }) env.roles = ('webserver', 'dbserver') @roles('webserver', 'dbserver') def install(): print("{command} invoked on host {host}".format(**env)) # outputs... # [www1] Executing task 'install' # install invoked on host www1 # [www2] Executing task 'install' # install invoked on host www2 # [db1] Executing task 'install' # install invoked on host db1 That looks like what we'd want. But the next fabfile, which tries to combine webserver and dbserver onto a single host runs ``install`` only once. .. code-block:: python from fabric.api import * env.roledefs.update({ 'webserver': ['dev'], 'dbserver': ['dev'] }) env.roles = ('webserver', 'dbserver') @roles('webserver', 'dbserver') def install(): print("{command} invoked on host {host}".format(**env)) # outputs... # [dev] Executing task 'install' # install invoked on host dev But, what if we really want ``install`` to run once per *role*? Yes, we could split out a `install_web` and `install_db`. If they both run the same ``"apt-get install " + env.packages`` it sure would be more DRY not to split them. Even if we did invoke ``install`` for each role, that would just install ``env.packages`` multiple times. Then again, what if we could also inject role specific settings into the Fabric ``env``, for each role invocation of a task? Fabex Task Roles ================ What if we could write .. code-block:: python @roles('webserver', 'dbserver') def install(): packages = { 'webserver': 'nginx', 'dbserver': 'postgres' } with settings(packages=packages[env.role]): sudo("apt-get install " + env.packages) and have ``install`` execute once per role. Wouldn't that be convenient? That's exactly what the Fabex ``task_roles`` decorator gives you: one invocation per role, with a role specific ``env``. The above task becomes .. code-block:: python @task_roles('webserver', 'dbserver') def install(): sudo("apt-get install " + " ".join(env.packages)) Where does ``env.packages`` get set? In a "target configuration" yaml file. .. code-block:: yaml roledefs: webserver: [server] dbserver: [server] hostenvs: server: {ip:, ssh_host:, ssh_user: ubuntu} roleenvs: webserver: packages: [nginx] dbserver: packages: [postgres] domain: example.com The first attribute, ``roledefs`` is the standard Fabric role<->host relation. To this, we add top level ``hostenvs`` and ``roleenvs``. The ``task_roles`` decorator pulls attributes from ``hostenvs`` for the matching host and from ``roleenvs`` from the invoking role and updates the ``env`` dict with those values. In addition, any top level attributes are injected, e.g., ``domain`` in the above example. As this configuration information comes from a file separate from the fabfile, we'd like to be able to point at that file "on the fly", in the ``fab`` invocation. That allows different settings for different installations: dev, stage, production, etc. Where do we keep these yaml targets? Fabex provides a ``fabex_config`` function to initialize and point at a few things. Here's a complete, working Fabex fabfile. .. code-block:: python from fabex.api import * fabex_config({'target_dir': '.'}) @task_roles('webserver', 'dbserver') def install(): print("installing {packages} on host {host} for {domain}".format(**env)) Save this snippet into ``fabfile.py``, copy the yaml above into a ``test.yaml`` file. Then run .. code-block:: bash fab target:test install and you should see .. code-block:: bash [server] Executing task 'install' [server:webserver] Executing role task 'install' installing ['nginx'] on host server for example.com [server:dbserver] Executing role task 'install' installing ['postgres'] on host server for example.com .. _roles: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/api/core/decorators.html?highlight=roles#fabric.decorators.roles .. _roledefs: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/usage/execution.html?highlight=roledefs#defining-host-lists .. _`what it is`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_It_Is