.. _features: ****************** Features and Usage ****************** Initializing Fabex ================== In addition to the ``task_roles`` decorator, Fabex provides a number of additional enhancements and extensions. The standard ``from fabric.api import *`` should be replaced with .. code-block:: python from fabex.api import * from fabex.contrib.files import * which will import both fabric and fabex. Next use ``fabex_config`` to setup Fabex's target and templates features. .. code-block:: python fabex_config({'target_dir': 'targets', 'template_dir': 'templates', 'template_config': 'templates.yaml'}) Feature Reference ================= - ``@task_roles`` - Function decorator to make a Fabric task that will be invoked once per role with role settings injected into ``env`` for the scope of that task. The ``task_roles`` requires one or more strings as positional arguments with the role names. The role names may also be specific by a single iterable as the first argument. ``task_roles`` also supports a ``group`` keyword argument of string type. That task will be added to a "wrapper task" with that name, appended to a list of tasks to invoke if the wrapper task is called (see *assertion 4*). ``task_roles`` supports all of the other keyword arguments of the Fabric ``task`` decorator, with function per the Fabric documentation. *Example:* .. code-block:: python @task_roles(['webapp', 'cache', 'db'], group='install') def install_packages(): """Install system packages""" sudo('DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install --yes {}' .format(' '.join(env.packages))) - ``@runs_once_per_host`` - Similar to the Fabric ``runs_once`` decorator, the task is invoked only the first time for any host, regardless of the "once per role per host" rule implemented by ``task_roles``. - ``fabex_config`` - A normal python function that takes a Fabex config dictionary, or path to a yaml file with a Fabex config. This function initializes several ``env`` attributes used elsewhere in Fabex. **Note:** Should be called before any other Fabex tasks are invoked, typically at the top of a fabfile. *Example:* .. code-block:: python fabex_config(config={'target_dir': 'targets', 'template_dir': 'templates', 'template_config': 'templates.yaml'}) - ``target`` - A (normal) Fabric task that reads a yaml file and builds a "target configuration" into ``env``. In particular, this configuration can contain ``roledefs`` (a la Fabric), ``hostenvs`` (env settings injected on a per host basis via ``task_roles``), and ``roleenvs`` (env settings injected on a per role basis via ``task_roles``). *Example target.yaml:* .. code-block:: yaml domain: domain.com timezone: America/Los_Angeles roledefs: app: [app1 app2 app3] cache: [db_cache] db: [db_cache] hostenvs: app1: {ip:, ssh_host: app1.prod, ssh_user: ubuntu} app2: {ip:, ssh_host: app2.prod, ssh_user: ubuntu} app3: {ip:, ssh_host: app3.prod, ssh_user: ubuntu} db_cache: {ip:, ssh_host: bigserver.prod, ssh_user: ubuntu} roleenvs: app: packages: [ntp, git, python-django, libpq-dev, postgresql-client] repo_url: git@github.com:gitaccount/gitrepo.git secret_key: ty5s3(d4jjexdror_ti$-ga+q_zs(!byj)k3d8i^iyxl-$r^*j db_name: fu db_user: bar db_pass: spam cache: packages: [ntp, memcached] memory: 128 db: packages: [ntp, postgresql] - ``template_config`` - Specified in the ``fabex_config`` call, a yaml based dictionay referencing Jinja2 templates. The templates themselves will be search for in the ``template_dir`` specified in ``fabex_config``. Both the ``template_config`` file, and the templates themselves have access to the ``env`` as a Jinja2 context, and can instatiate ``env`` values. Referenced templates are processed and pushed by the Fabex ``upload_project_template`` function. In addition to the Jinja2 processing, uploaded file ownership can be set with ``owner`` and ``group`` attributes. A ``reload_command`` attribute may contain a sudo-able command that is executed if the remote file is changed by the upload. *Example templates.yaml*: .. code-block:: yaml local_settings: local_path: local_settings.py remote_path: "{{project_home}}/{{project_name}}/local_settings.py" reload_command: supervisorctl {{project}} restart owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu - ``dryrun`` - A Fabric task that short circuits all of the remote client calls. Invoking this task before other tasks allows Fabric scripts to be debugged (somewhat) before executing on actual servers. - ``quiet`` - Fabex will hide the 'running' and 'output' streams for ``sudo`` and ``run`` in Fabric if this task is invoked. Note, this feature is **not** the ``quiet`` keyword arg to those functions, which has other effects on tasks. - ``fxcrypt`` - A command that wraps AES encryption used in Fabex target files. .. code-block:: bash usage: fxcrypt [-h] [--decrypt] password text encrypt a string for fabex !decrypt yaml directive positional arguments: password encryption key, *required* to decrypt text text to encrypt optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --decrypt decrypt instead of encrypting